Wednesday, 2 June 2010


Today, she had a meeting with Nick for 5 Roden Street at two, followed by an appointment with Dave at 24 B Cornwallis Road at four fifteen, and to finish with, a slot with Oliver at six thirty to view 12 Elgin Mansions.

‘We have some openings today,’ they would tell her. ‘Viewings are recommended.’

She didn’t know what exactly it was that worked for her, but when she saw the greased back hair and the cheap suits she got weak at the knees. She had to be careful never to book with the same agent twice, but there was a property boom so there were a lot of opportunities. She favoured to buy over to let as she found the agents more progressive. She would discuss the completion and they’d provide her with a deposit.

Tomorrow, she has an engagement with Bradley at twenty to twelve to see 34 Graham Crescent, a consultation with Keith to see 75 Nottingwood House at quarter past three and at five o’clock a session with Greg to see 61 Pembridge Avenue.

She preferred the property to be unfurnished and to be laid down on the freshly cleaned carpet. She would always get a lift back to her home afterwards, the smell of new house and Lynx deodorant heavy in the air.